The decision was made in 2013, after a no go in 2012 due to Hurricane Sandy, to commemorate The Cannonball Baker Sea-to-Shining-Sea Memorial Trophy Dash. The start would once again be at the Redball Garage in Manhattan, but the finish would now be at the famous Portofino Hotel and Marina in Redondo Beach, CA, just like they did in olden days. Total mileage 2811. A few shorter than 2904, but who's counting?
5 vehicles showed up at the start on a cold, blustery day in November: a full blown ambulance resplendent with Transcon Medi-Vac livery driven in honor of the recently passed Cannonball legend, Hal Needham; a 6-door funeral limousine; a clapped out Lincoln Towncar; a truly sad Chevy Cavalier (as if they weren't sad enough when they were new); and a 2007 throwback entry with a Suburu Loyale wagon.